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Personal and Corporate Income Tax Services

Personal Income Tax Returns

AccounTrust offers a personalized service for the preparation of your Canadian income tax returns whereby we will come to your door to obtain your tax information as well as deliver your completed tax returns to you.  We will also complete any delinquent income tax returns for you.  We prepare personal tax returns for individuals including individuals that are self-employed, sole proprietors, professionals, commissioned sales-people and rental property owners.

We can also provide assistance to you when dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency on such matters as:  1)  Providing supporting documentation upon request by the CRA, 2)  Filing a Notice of Objection for you if your tax return was incorrectly assessed by the CRA, 3)  If your tax return is selected by the CRA for a post-assessment review, we can communicate with them on your behalf and provide them with any required additional information.

Corporate Income Tax Returns

AccounTrust prepares and files Federal and Provincial corporate tax returns and all necessary attachments.  Our services assist businesses and individuals in the planning of tax matters with a focus on minimizing the tax obligation.